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Just got "Synaesthesia: Classic and Contemporary Readings" Edited by Simon Baron-Cohen and John E. Harrison. Had to order it from America because Amazon didn't have it.
Can't wait to read it!


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I was watching "Heroes" season 4 the other night, and there's a female character who has sound/colour synaesthesia. She is deaf and I think its cool the way it shows the colours seeping out of the instruments, the piano, the cello, even when a cup hits the floor and smashes, a blue light emanates out from it. I don't see the colours that way but I think everyone experiences it differently. I've never seen synaesthesia in a movie or a TV show before, but a lot of people are studying it now. If I think about it another way, "Heroes" is portraying synaesthesia as a super power, and I have it, so that means I have a power! ( smug smile )


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