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Showing posts from 2013
The sky out my window the other night. I'm not one of these people who can write really witty articles to amuse the masses, but when I see beauty I admire it. This to me seems like a painting, and worthy of sharing. Enjoy!


Lately I've been obsessed with recurring numbers. When I see the same number over and over during my day: in my change, on a license plate or when I look at a digital clock, I keep thinking it's a message. For instance when I started writing this post the time on my mac was 13:13. So what do these numbers mean? Hello Google! Well there are 13 moon cycles in a year, and moon associations connote: feminine, psyche, emotions. The thirteenth tarot card is death and means transition, the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. In numerology 13 means: initiation, birth, creation and completion. In Angel numbers, 13 means a message from your angels that great upheavals are happening in your life for karmic reasons, and they will bring about necessary change and new opportunities for you. They all seem to say pretty much the same thing. Change is good!